1615 Crocoite, Red Lead Mine
Crocoite on Goethite from the Red Lead Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia. [90x70x50mm]
Crocoite on Goethite from the Red Lead Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia. [90x70x50mm]
Stellerite from Tambar Springs, New South Wales, Australia. [70x60x15mm]
Rhodonite from the Broken Hill Mines, New South Wales, Australia.
Small secondary Galena crystals with secondary cauliflower like structures of cream to light green Sphalerite. From the watercourse area, Browne’s shaft, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. [80x55x30mm]
Another large group of ‘golden’ Baryte crystals found in the late 1970’s from 5 North, G Lens, 15 Level of the Rosebery Lead/Zinc Mine, Rosebery, Tasmania. [150x80x50mm]
Gypsum from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. [90x70x55mm]
Rhodochrosite on Pyrite on Calcite from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. [80x60x30mm]
Malachite after Azurite from the Sir Dominick Mine, North Flinders Ranges, South Australia. [45x40x30mm]
Siderite on basalt from the Boral Quarry, Bridgewater, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Calcite (Var: Manganoan) on Quartz and Actinolite from the Kara Mine, Hampshire, Tasmania, Australia. [75x45x25mm]
Witherite from the Rosebery Mine, Rosebery, Tasmania, Australia. [55x35x25mm]
Pyrargyrite, Siderite and Galena from Brownes Shaft, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. [55x30x10mm]
Marshite (TL) , Smithsonite, Aurichalchite and Cuprite, with minor Malachite, Cerussite, Anglesite and Linarite from the Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. [28x15x12mm]
Millerite from the Perseverance Ni Mine, Leinster, Western Australia, Australia. [65x50x40mm]
Cuprite from the Red Dome Mine, Chillagoe, Queensland, Australia.[12x11x10mm] First photo shows the crystal backlit, and the second without backlighting.
Quartz w/ minor Magnetite in matrix from the Biggenden Mine, North Burnett Region, Queensland, Australia. [45x40x30mm]
Epidote in Quartz from the S38 Pump Sump Drive, North Bassett Decline, Renison Bell Mine, Zeehan, Tasmania, Australia. [90x60x20mm]
From 57 Level N Lens of the Rosebery Mine, Rosebery, Tasmania, Australia – granular greyish Vittinkiite – pinkish Rhodonite, with red-brown Spessartine, and some minor sulphides including Galena, Pyrite and Sphalerite, a previously unrecorded association...
Axinite-(Fe) w/ Quartz from the Colebrook Hill Mine, Rosebery, Tasmania, Australia. [55x50x45mm]
From the type locality, Heazlewoodite in serpentine matrix from the Lord Brassey Mine, Heazlewood, Tasmania, Australia. A relatively rich example of ore material from this old abandoned nickel mine. This specimen has been cut to...
Harmotome with Tennantite, these were found in small quantities with the second big Witherite find around mid 2018 in 37Y, Rosebery Mine, Rosebery, Tasmania, Australia. [80x55x45mm]
Takanelite on dog tooth Calcite from the Kara Mine, Hampshire, Tasmania, Australia. The latest on this occurrence as documented on MinDat says that further work on this material suggests some may be Ranciéite, but it...
Gibbsite encrusting and largely replacing hollow Crocoite from the Adelaide Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia. This particular specimen is ex Frank Mihajlowits and was acquired from the Zeehan School of Mines by another collector in 1987....
Quartz (Var: Agate) from Little Swanport, near Coles bay, Tasmania, Australia. [125x55x35mm]
Goethite coating Cerussite after Anglesite from the Broken Hill Mines, New South Wales, Australia. Ex Milton Lavers. [110x90x35mm]
Wulfenite on a Limonite matrix from the Whim Creek Copper Mine, Whim Creek, Western Australia, Australia. [110x65x60mm]
Chrysocolla on iridescent Goethite, with a few small examples of the double pseudomorph that this location is well known for – Chrysocolla pseudomorphing Malachite after Azurite – from the Whim Creek Copper Mine, Whim Creek,...
Rhodonite with Bannisterite from the Broken Hill Mines, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Main crystal measures 70mm in length.
Pyrosmalite-(Mn) and Calcite from the Broken Hill Mines, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. [18x16x10mm]
Gypsum from the North Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. [90x65x15mm]
Linarite on Chalcopyrite, Quartz and Galena from the Hercules Mine, Williamsford, Tasmania, Australia. Macro FOV is 5mm and 80mm in closeups, full specimen measures 20x14x8cm.
Hyalite Opal (Var: Opal-AN) from Squaretop Mountain, Kaimkillenbun, Queensland, Australia. Difficult to do these justice with a photograph (well I find that anyway). [110x80x65mm]
Green Hidalgoite with minor Rosasite from the Broken Hill Mines, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. [45x40x20mm]
Hedyphane, Willemite from the E.Z Mine (Beltana Mine), Puttapa, Leigh Creek, North Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Australia. [35x32x10mm]
Cu Austinite and Willemite from the E.Z Mine (Beltana Mine), Puttapa, Leigh Creek, North Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Australia. [45x35x25mm]
Calcite (Var: Ferroan) [27mm] on basalt from the Boral Limited Quarry, Bundoora Quarry, Victoria, Australia.
Baryte from Linke’s Lode (Dunbar Mine; Dunbar Barite Deposit; Appealinna Barite), Oraparinna homestead (Oraparinna National Park), Bunkers Range, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia, Australia. [40x30x18mm]
Red Carminite with yellow-green beudantite-segnitite collected during a field trip in the 1990’s to Kintore Opencut, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. [95x55x30mm]
Dull olive-green patches of crude Cobaltaustinite crystals (Type Locality), with flat laying Erythrite crystals, from the Dome Rock Copper Mine, Olary Province, South Australia, Australia. [75x35x15mm]
A partial crystal of Andalusite (Var: Chiastolite), cut and polished to reveal a cross section. From the Mount Howden Mine, Kalabity Homestead Area, South Australia, Australia and dates back to the 1920’s. Chiastolite are crystals...
Cornwallite crystals from Daly Gorge, South Australia, Australia. [FOV 15mm]
Pyrite on Calcite from a small find at Beams Quarry, Flowery Gully, Tasmania, Australia.
Pyrite from the King Island Scheelite Mine, King Island, Tasmania, Australia.
Muscovite, Quartz and minor Molybdenite from Mt Cleveland Mine, Luina, Tasmania, Australia.
Double terminated Quartz with minor Muscovite from the Mt Cleveland Mine, Luina, Tasmania, Australia. 70mm in length.
Crocoite with minor Dundasite from Red Lead Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia. 30x30x20mm.
Crocoite on Goethite from the Red Lead Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia.
Chalcophanite on Crocoite from the Red Lead Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia. FOV 25mm.
One of my personal favourites when it comes to ‘Tassie Classics’. Ankerite on drusy Quartz including an epimorph or pseudomorph after Calcite (top – centre). These were found in 1995 in a pillar adjacent to...
A rare locality specimen of Vesuvianite and Grossular from the Renison Bell mine, Zeehan, Tasmania, Australia.