ANKP9 Phurcalite, Torbernite, Monakoff mine, Queensland
3300 Phurcalite, Torbernite, Monakoff mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia. 24x10x7mm.
3300 Phurcalite, Torbernite, Monakoff mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia. 24x10x7mm.
The sample is a limonitic clay with mica, jarosite and gypsum with some poorly crystallised uranium minerals. The latter probably include Uranophane-β (fibrous), Schoepite (amorphous), Compreignacite (cuboid crystals) and other minerals as a complex mixture...
The sample is a limonitic clay with mica, jarosite and gypsum with some poorly crystallised uranium minerals. The latter probably include Uranophane-β (fibrous), Schoepite (amorphous), Compreignacite (cuboid crystals) and other minerals as a complex mixture...
The sample is a limonitic clay with mica, jarosite and gypsum with some poorly crystallised uranium minerals. The latter probably include Uranophane-β (fibrous), Schoepite (amorphous), Compreignacite (cuboid crystals) and other minerals as a complex mixture...
Torbernite | Lake Boga Granite Quarry, Lake Boga, Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia | FOV 3mm | No. 1887 |
Torbernite collected in the 1990’s from the Royal George Mine, Avoca, Tasmania, Australia.